Professional services provided
Projects and work supervisions in the centre of Italy-
Regione Abruzzo
1. River Vomano (6000 ha) and Tordino Valleys (4000 ha) Irrigation Scheme
Project implementation details:
1.1. Weir and intake work on Vomano river (4 mc/s) and water conduction to the valleys of Vomano and Tordino rivers (DN 2000 mm; L = 18 km). Feasibility design of lot I (Italian Lire 11 billion). Project of the working lot and consultancy to the work supervision; 1975-1978. Operative.
1.2. Irrigation schemes.
Working plan of lot II of the irrigation under pressure network (5.000 Ha). Project; 1977. Operative.
1.3. Irrigation network detailed design (lot II).
Project; 1978. Operative.
1.4. Detailed design of lot IV: water conduction (DN 1400÷1200 mm) from Pagliare basin (Vomano valley) to Tordino valley (12 km long with 1 km long tunnel; Italian Lire 14 billion). Project (1979) and work supervision; assistance to book keeping (1983-88) Operative.
1.5. Detailed design of lot V: river Tordino's left branches management (Italian Lire 6 billion). Project (1979) and work supervision; book keeping assistance (1983-86) Operative since 1987.
1.6. Detailed design of lot VI: Tordino distribution networks (1.500 Ha; Italian Lire 14 billion). Project and and work supervision; book keeping assistance (1982-92). Operative since 1993 .
1.7. Detailed design of lot VII: Tordino valley distribution networks (700 Ha; € 5.000.000,00). Detailed design; 1998-99 Operative since 2003.
1.8. Lot VIII: Tordino river left bank area - distribution networks on the hill slopes -1.500 Ha; value of works € 18 m Detailed design; 1996 - Project upgrading: 2000.
1.9. Detailed design of lot IX: Tordino river right bank's branches management Project: 2002. Project suspended: 2004. 1.10. Detailed design of lot VIII - functional extract - Sub A: Giulianova and Mosciano S. A. (TE) area irrigation. Piano Irriguo Nazionale - Law 350/2003. Project, 2005 - To be tended.Year Task Stage Details 1978 - ongoing general preliminary design approved by the Italian Ministry of Public Works in 1978 - Partly constructed and operative Irrigational area: Ha 10.000 - nine lots: 3 in Vomano valley (Ha 6.000) and 6 in Tordino valley (Ha 4.000) - MUNICIPALITY OF SAN DEMETRIO DEI VESTINI
1. Stiffe Cave Touristic ValorizationYear Task value of works Details 1963 Detailed design Italian Lire 200 m With: arch. G. Monaco and arch. G. Rinaldi - COMUNI DI VILLAVALLELONGA-COLLELONGO-TRASACCO - (AQ)
1. Drinkable Water Supply System Upgrading, with Waters Provided by Vallelonga's Uphill Sources.Year Task Stage Value of works Details 1990-91 Design - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA IN DESTRA DEL FIUME PESCARA (CH)
1. Sublot II Network Upgrading, with an Uphill Reservoir.Year Task Stage value of works Details 1977 Preliminary design It. Lire 400 m - CARTIERA DI AVEZZANO
1. Water Supply System.Year Task Stage value of works Details 1965-88 Consultancy - BONIFICA S.p.A. - REGIONE LAZIO Ass. LL.PP.
Southern Latium Irrigation Schemes (Regione Lazio - Consorzio Acque) Former Casmez Project 29 Irrigation Schemes Upgrading:
- plural Ripi - Vallesacco - Interconnection Piana Pontina
- plural Velino
- plural Sora
- irrigational LeonessaYear Task Stage value of works Details 1991 Detailed and preliminary designs Tested 4 lots: It. Lire 6 b; interconnection: It. Lire 300 b 4 lots; regional irrigation scheme Aniene-Valle Sacco and Liri-Garigliano - Interconnection Pontina - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA PIANA REATINA - (RI)
1. Reatina Plain Irrigation ShemeYear Task Stage value of works Details 1979 Feasibility study Year Task Stage value of works Details 1979 Detailed design Approved then suspended Year Task Stage Value of works Details 1990 , 1992-94, 1996 Design, work supervision Constructed and tested It. Lire 3 b Canal: DN 800 mm; L. km 5
Design and work supervision; 1990
Work supervision; 1992-94
Works constructed, tested in 1996.
4. Agro of Cantalice Irrigation SchemeYear Task Stage value of works Details 1998-2001 Working plan and works security supervision To be tendered for: 2004 € 3 b Year Task Stage value of works Details 2002-03 Detailed design and works security supervision To be examined € 1 m Year Task Stage value of works Details 2004 Detailed design, working plan, works security supervision To be examined by Conferenza dei Servizi: 2004 Year Task Stage value of works Details 2004 Preliminary design To be examined € 15 m Districts: 1, 2 - MUNICIPALITY OF ROMA
1. Arsiccio Mount Collection Drain and Sewage Works: I-X CircoscrizioneYear Task Stage value of works Details 1998-2000 Industrial safety coordination It. Lire 7 b Year Task Stage value of works Details 2001-02 Works direction, book-keeping, industrial safety coordination Tested - MUNICIPALITY OF LATINA - ASSESSORATO ALL'AMBIENTE
Latina South Western Area - Hidraulic studies of the drainage canals. Drainage water discharge measurement, 1995-96. - MUNICIPALITY OF ALBANO (RM)
Tenutella collection sewage drain (€ 500.000)Year Task Stage value of works Details 2002 Design, works direction, CSE Constructed and operative, 2005 € 500,000 - MUNICIPALITY OF ZAGAROLO (RM)
1. Colle Gentile, Colle della Noce, Palazzolo Sewage NetworkYear Task Stage value of works Details 2002 Preliminary design € 1,200,000 Team work Year Task Stage value of works Details 2001-02 Detiled design To be tendered for Team work - CASSA PER IL MEZZOGIORNO - P.S. 29 (RM)
Velino System: Scheme n. 2
Water utilization plan up to 2016 - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA A SUD DI ANAGNI - (FR)
1.Area Irrigation: Tufano Irrigation NetworkYear Task Stage value of works Details 1977 Preliminary design Constructed and operative Irrigational area: Ha 1,200 Year Task Stage value of works Details 1981-89 Detailed design Constructed and operative Year 1981: lots I, II, III ; Year 1986-89: lot IV - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA VALLE DEL LIRI - CASSINO (FR)
1. Forma Quesa Irrigation SchemeYear Task Stage value of works Details 1979 and 1987 Detailed design, works direction Irrigational area: Ha 1,200.
1.1. Detailed design (1979) and works direction
1.2. Detailed design of the expansion (1987)
Constructed and operative.
2. Forma Questa Stream ManagementYear Task Stage value of works Details 1982 Detailed design Implemented and operative Year Task Stage value of works Details 1982 Consultancy for the irrigation scheme detailed design Constructed and operative It. Lire 2 b Irrigational area: Ha 1,000. Consultancy to: S.T.I.R. International, Verona Year Task Stage value of works Details Consultancy Tendered for Irrigational area: Ha 2,000. Year Task Stage value of works Details 1983-85 Preliminary design, concession application Diversion from Serelle weir on Liri River, discharge: 6 m3/sec - CONSORZIO DELLA BONIFICAZIONE PONTINA - (LT)
1. Sisto Linea Area Irrigation; Water System I, II, and IIIYear Task Stage value of works Details 1980 and 1983-94 Design consultancy, works direction Partially provisionally operative, partially to be tested Irrigational area: Ha 4,000. Consultancy to: S.T.I.R. International, Verona Year Task Stage value of works Details 1985-1998 Design Partially constructed and operative
2.1. Linea Pio Canal Weir
Project; 1985
Constructed and operative.
2.2. Linea Pio Canal: Hydrological Study of Sisto Linea Irrigation Scheme
Approved; 1989.
2.3. Linea Pio canal weir n. 2
Project (1993)
Constructed and operative.
8. Gricilli Basin Water Management StudiesYear Task Stage value of works Details 1996-98 Works cordination Tested It. Lire 600 m Team project - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DI LATINA (LT)
1. Latina North Lot II Irrigation SchemeYear Task Stage value of works Details 1987 Detailed design It. Lire 20 b Client: A.I.A., Catania Year Task Stage value of works Details Studies, preliminary design for the concession application It. Lire 350 b Canal: DN 3000; discharge 6 m3/sec - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA ALTA VAL DI PAGLIA - (VT)
Stridolone Stream ManagemenYear Task Stage value of works Details 1986 Detailed design - ENEL spa - Direzione Generale Studi e Ricerche e Facoltà Ingegneria dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma.
Hydroelectic Utilization of Southern Latium Mountain Basins (I II III phases).Year Task Stage value of works Details 1989 Surveys coordination - CONSORZIO AREA INDUSTRIALE DI ROMA E LATINA - (LT)
Mazzocchio Sewage OutletYear Task Stage value of works Details 1979, 1981 Consultancy, preliminary design To be investigated - ITALFIN '80
1. Ciappazzi Bottling Firm's AqueductYear Task Stage value of works Details 1989 Detailed design Year Task Stage value of works Details 1990-91 Preliminary, detailed designs - CONSORZIO SCHEMA IDRICO TEVERE - PIANURA PONTINA
Aprilia Western Area Intake Work, Conduction Canal and Distribution Network.
Tiber intake work and conduction canalYear Task Stage value of works Details 1977-91 Preliminary design It. L. 350 b Discharge: 14 m3/sec - CONSORZIO PER L'AREA INDUSTRIALE DI FIUMICINO
Sewerage System UpgradingYear Task Stage value of works Details 1994-95 Consultancy; working plan Constructed and operative Works: n. 6 draining pumps - CARTIERA DEL SOLE - SORA
1) Fibreno River Diversion and Distribution WorksYear Task Stage value of works Details 1965 Design Constructed and operative Year Task Stage value of works Details 1965 Design Constructed and operative - SNIA B.P.D. - COLLEFERRO
Mola Ditch Water ManagementYear Task Stage value of works Details 1986 Design Constructed and operative - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA VALLE DEL TRONTO - (AP)
1. River Tronto Valley Land Reclamation PlanYear Task Stage value of works Details 1956 Design Approved by the Italian Ministry of Public Works Irrigational area: Ha 28,000 Year Task Stage value of works Details 1955-88 Detailed design Constructed and operative Irrigational area: Ha 5,000
2.1 - lot III; value of works It. L. 120 m.
Detailed design with prof. Ramadoro and Soc. SIAF; 1955
2.2 - lot IV; value of works It. L.800 m
Detailed design with prof. Ramadoro and Soc. SIAF; consultancy for the realization; 1955
2.3 - lot V (It. L.1 b)
Detailed design with prof. Ramadoro and Soc. SIAF and consultancy for the realization; 1956
2.4 - lot VI (It. L.800 m)
Detailed design with prof. Ramadoro and Soc. SIAF and consultancy for the realization; 1963
2.5 - lot VII (sprinkler system) (It. L. 800 m)
Project; 1966-1975
2.6 - lot VIII (sprinkler system) (600 Ha)
Project; 1980-1988
2.7 - lot IX lotto (sprinkler system) (1.000 Ha)
Project; 1982-1988
2. Tronto River Valley Irrigation Scheme UpgradingYear Task Stage value of works Details 1978-91 Preliminary design Lots: X, XI. Irrigational area: Ha 4,000 Year Task Stage value of works Details 1991-92 Detailed design It. Lire 25 b Lot: X Year Task Stage value of works Details 1978-79 and 1990-92 Preliminary design - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA VALLE DELL'ASO - (AP)
1. Taso, Menocchia and Tesino Rivers Valleys IrrigationYear Task Stage value of works Details 1971 Preliminary design Approved It. Lire 3,4 b Irrigational area: Ha 4,000 Year Task Stage value of works Details 1975 Detailed design Constructed and operative It. Lire 3,7 b Year Task Stage value of works Details 1975 Detailed design Constructed and operative It. Lire: 500 m - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA VALLE DEL TENNA - (AP)
1. Giampereto DamYear Task Stage value of works Details 1982 Feasibility and preliminary designs; geotechnical surveys Works tendered for in 1993 Year Task Stage value of works Details 1984 Feasibility design Dam construction rated unadvisable due to geological risks - ENTE AUTONOMO IRRIGAZIONE - AREZZO
1. Val di Chiana Water Supply System, from Montedoglio Basin to Val di Chiana and Branch Networks bound to Irrigate Arezzo Plain: Lot IYear Task Stage Value of works Details 1971-79 Detailed design With A. Rossi, civ. eng. Year Task Stage Value of works Details 1987-88 Approved, under construction It. Lire: 150 b - ENTE MAREMMA - ROMA
Cornia Valley Land ReclamationYear Task Stage Value of works Details 1955 Preliminary design of the public works With Prof. F. Arredi - CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA TEVERE - NERA - TERNI
Terni's Rio il Fossato ManagementYear Task Stage Value of works Details 2004-06 Preliminary, detailed designs Under investigation € 1.000.000 2004-06 Feasibility design Under construction
Regione Lazio
Regione Marche
Regione Toscana
Regione Umbria
1956 - 2024: 68 years
experience in water engineering
Complete geographical list
CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. - Professional and consulting services
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail:
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: