Engineering consulting firm, hydroelectric plants and dams

ceseco international rome

Organization chart: partners

Prof. Ing. Lodovico de Vito: Civil Engineer and Professor

ldv Curriculum
Rome 1926 - 2008†
Lodovico de Vito was born in Rome in 1926. In 1948-49 he graduated from Rome University "La Sapienza" earning a cum laude degree in Civil Hydraulic Engineering. He was discharged from the Italian Air Forces as Assistant Engineering Officer.

Former professor at Rome University "La Sapienza", his academic career started in 1950. In 1955-60 he was in charge of a tutorial course devoted to Ground Mechanic Laboratory Tests. In 1961 he became Professor, firstly to the faculty of Hydrology and Agricultural Hydraulic and then to the faculty of Land Reclamation and Irrigation. He ritired in 2001.

1953 to 1973 he was working as editor of "L'acqua nell'agricoltura, nell'igiene, nell'industria" the review of Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana. From 1991 to 1999 counsellor of ITALICID (Italian Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Land Reclamation) and 1995 to 1999 counsellor of Ordine degli Ingegneri of Rome. In 1993-94 president of Rotary Club. Previously counsellor, he currently is an emeritus member of Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana.

Since 1952 he has been active as a designer, consultant and works supervisor to hydraulic engineering works, mainly for the public sector. In 1980 he purchased CESECO INTERNATIONAL srl a well established consultancy and projecting company. Particularly appreciated in the public sector works, CESECO INTERNATIONAL and Lodovico de Vito practice expertises has also been sought after by first rate contractors and engineering firms. Among their main works are those in Southern Italy commissioned by the Cassa del Mezzogiorno (see List of works): part of the Sinni Aqueduct, Monte Cotugno basin canals, wide irrigation schemes in Calabria, Abruzzo, Marche.

His role as a consultant to Rome Tribunal in relevant public works trials is his most recent achievement.

He is a respected scholar with a long and impressive list of publications to his name

List of publications

1956 - 2025: 69 years
experience in water engineering


environmental impact analyses


CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. - Professional and consulting services
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: ceseco@ceseco-int.it