Engineering consulting firm, hydroelectric plants and dams

ceseco international rome

Professional and consulting of public, civil and water engineering

Card n. 8 - Tordino River Valley Irrigation Scheme - Lot 8 - Sub A
Funding MINISTERO DELL'AGRICOLTURA - National Irrigation Scheme - Law 350/03 - and Regional Authority Abruzzo - Former AGENSUD (Southern Agency)
Client Consorzio di bonifica Nord - (TE)
Title Tordino (TE) Irrigation - Lot VIII - Sub A
Value of Project € 6,000,000
Services provided Detailed and feasibility designs
Years 2004 - 2005
Progress of works To be examined

The last lot of the Tordino river valley irrigation scheme (see Card n. 1), district of Teramo, envisages to supply the on the river left bank uphill area of 1,500 Ha through a surge plant fed by of Ripoli basin (photo n. 2).

A funding was granted by the law n. 350/2003 for a 400 Ha sub lot design which is currently to be put out for tender.

Related Publications: L. de Vito, A. de Vito, Il soddisfacimento dei fabbisogni irrigui delle aree agricole delle prov. di Teramo e Ascoli Piceno con trasferimenti extrabacino, in I grandi trasferimenti d'acqua, Convegno dell'Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Cortina d'Ampezzo, 17-19/07/1991.

1956 - 2024: 68 years
experience in water engineering

Selected projects & works

final and detailed designs
CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. - Professional and consulting services
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: ceseco@ceseco-int.it