Engineering consulting firm, hydroelectric plants and dams

ceseco international rome

Professional and consulting of public, civil and water engineering

Card n. 1 - Rivers Vomano and Tordino Valleys Irrigation Scheme
Funding Ministero dell'Agricoltura - National Irrigation Scheme
Client Ministero politiche agricole - Regione Abruzzo - former Agensud
Title Rivers Vomano and Tordino Valleys Irrigation Scheme - 10,000 Ha - 9 lots
Value of Project € 60,000,000
Services provided Preliminary, feasibility and detailed designs, work supervision, bookkeeping
Years 1980 - 2006
Progress of works Partially operative (seven lots)

The large irrigation scheme of the Vomano and Tordino valleys spreads over 10.000 hectares in Teramo province (photo n. 1), parcelled out in nine working lots. Its realization is at an advanced stage.

The scheme originates from a diversion weir (Photo n. 2), Vomano pipeline, located on Vomano river downstream from Campotosto hydroelectric outlet at an altitude of 130 m a.s.l.. The 4 m3/s diverted discharge, conveyed by Vomano pipeline (DN 2000 mm, 18 km) into Pagliare tank (70,000 m3, 121,60 m a.s.l.- Photo n. 3), feeds along its course the irrigation networks across the valley and the left bank hills of Vomano river.

From Pagliare, a second canal, the DN 1400, 11 Km long Vomano-Tordino pipeline outflows before pouring its water into the 30.000 m3 Ripoli tank (Photo n. 5), situated at an altitude of 110 m a.s.l. on Tordino river's left bank. Divided in two siphons disconnected by a surge tower, this latter pipeline crosses the watershed between the two river valleys partly as a tunnel (Photo n. 4). The Tordino irrigation networks cover an area of 4,500 Ha and its realisation also envisaged surge works.

Currently, seven lots are operative while the final design of lot n. 8 has already been accomplished and it is ready to be tended (see Card n. 8). The final land reclamation works lot is at an advanced design phase.

Since the '80s Ceseco has been attending the whole project's cycle from the preliminary surveys and investigations for the feasibility study, to the final designs of the nine consequential lots with the supervision of the works of four of them, assisting the client in the funding and tender procedures as well.

Related literature: L. de Vito, A. de Vito "Il soddisfacimento dei fabbisogni irrigui delle aree agricole delle province di Teramo e Ascoli Piceno con trasferimenti extrabacino" (*), in AA.VV., I grandi trasferimenti d'acqua. Convegno dell'Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Cortina d'Ampezzo, 17-19/07/1991.

(*)"The Discharge of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo Districts' Irrigational Requirements by Extra - Basin Water Transfers". Proceedings of the National Congress of  the Idrotecnica Association, Cortina d'Ampezzo, 1991,  Italy.

1956 - 2024: 68 years
experience in water engineering

Selected projects & works

final and detailed designs
CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. - Professional and consulting services
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: ceseco@ceseco-int.it