Engineering consulting firm, hydroelectric plants and dams

ceseco international rome

Professional and consulting of public, civil and water engineering

Card n. 6 - Simeri River Intake Works and Settling Basin
Funding Ex- AGENSUD - Regione Calabria
Client Consorzio di bonifica Alli - Punta Le Castella - Catanzaro
Title Simeri River Weir, Intake Works and Settling Basin at 120 m asl
Value of Project € 5,000,000
Services provided Feasibility and final designs, environmental impact analysis, tender documents preparation and submission
Years 2005 - ongoing
Progress of works Project to be examined by Regional Technical Commission

Situated at an altitude of 119 m a.s.l., the Simeri works complete the water diversion and intake scheme of 4 m3/s discharge earmarked for the irrigation of the coastal area from Copanello to Tacina river in Catanzaro district (Photo 1). Due to environmental issues, the whole water flow is diverted from works situated at an altitude of 152 m a.s.l. (see Card n. 5).

The project envisages a new weir (Photo 2), substituting an older provisional intervention (Photo 3); a water intake work and a settling basin, both of which on Simeri river right bank. Regulated by a set of gates, the outflow is finally poured into the pre-existing pipeline of the Simeri Valley (DN 1400; L = 12 km), by which the coastal area distribution network is supplied.

CESECO Int. delivered the detailed design together with the preliminary environmental impact analysis. The Consorzio di Bonifica profited also of CESECO Int. consultancy for the designs submission to S.I.I.T. (Ministry of Infrastructure) for its preliminary investigation.

1956 - 2024: 68 years
experience in water engineering

Selected projects & works

final and detailed designs
CESECO INTERNATIONAL s.r.l. - Professional and consulting services
Water engineering consulting firm in Rome, hydroelectric plants, dams and weirs, aqueducts and sewages
Via Lugnano in Teverina 9 - 00181 Roma | Tel.: +0039 06/7811891 | Fax: +0039 06/7801129 | e-mail: ceseco@ceseco-int.it